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Avast ye! Cap'n Pompeo 'n his mateys be careful 'bout them strikes on Iran's scallywags, says ex-warriors.


Arrr! The scurvy dogs got what they deserved! Them strikes be retributin' the loss o' three brave US sailors, who met their fate in Jordan. Aye, they injured 40 more of our brethren at the base. Walk the plank, ye foul beasts!

The recent retaliatory strikes by the United States against Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq are aimed at deterring further Iranian aggression, according to former officials. Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State, emphasized that the effectiveness of the strikes will be measured by their ability to stop Iran from pushing its proxies to attack American personnel and installations worldwide. However, Pompeo acknowledged that he does not know the exact targets hit by the U.S., making it uncertain whether the strikes will achieve their intended effect.

The U.S. commenced the strikes in response to the deaths of three American service members during a strike in Jordan. The targets included locations tied to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated militia groups. President Biden authorized the strikes to send a clear message that attacks on American forces will not be tolerated.

Former military officials have provided cautious reactions to the strikes, with some suggesting that the delay in timing allowed proxy groups to move away from potential targets. However, retired Rear Admiral Mark Montgomery expressed hope that the strikes would be part of a sustained campaign over weeks to restore deterrence.

The strikes have also raised questions about the value of the buildings hit compared to targeting the leaders and decision-makers responsible for the attacks. It remains to be seen how the plan will unfold in the coming days and whether it will effectively address the threat posed by Iranian aggression.

Overall, the success of the U.S. retaliatory strikes will depend on their ability to deter further Iranian aggression and restore deterrence.

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