The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy dogs of US and the crew of the coalition be givin' those Iran-backed Houthis a taste o' their own medicine in Yemen!


Arrr! On Saturday, the brave U.S. forces didst launch a mighty attack upon yon missiles, all set to be wielded by those scurvy Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, so they say!

Arr, mateys! The U.S. and coalition forces be launchin' more than two dozen strikes on them scurvy Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, as declared by the Department of Defense. These strikes be aimed at their storage facilities, missile systems, launchers, air defense systems, and radars. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin proclaimed that these attacks be meant to disrupt and degrade them pirate-like Houthi militia's capabilities to launch their reckless and destabilizin' attacks on ships sailin' the Red Sea. He warned them scallywags that if they don't put an end to their illegal attacks, they'll suffer even more consequences!
These strikes were carried out with the help of our trusty allies, includin' the United Kingdom, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. The Biden administration ordered these self-defense strikes against six Houthi anti-ship cruise missiles that were about to be launched against vessels sailin' the Red Sea. These missiles were spotted in parts of Yemen, representin' an imminent threat to U.S. naval vessels and merchant ships in the region, as declared by U.S. Central Command.
These pirate fighters have been givin' the global shipping industry a rough time, with their frequent attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea. They be retaliatin' for Israel's war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, tryin' to cause chaos on the high seas. The U.S. ain't takin' these attacks lightly – they've already carried out over 12 strikes against the Houthi scoundrels since January 11th. Just the other day, they even went after their unmanned aerial vehicles!
However, these previous strikes haven't seemed to deter their attacks on U.S. forces. They've been causin' trouble left and right, even killin' three U.S. Army soldiers in Jordan. The Biden administration be blamin' the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a group of Iran-backed militias, includin' the notorious Kataib Hezbollah. Two U.S. Navy SEALs have also gone missin' during a mission in the Red Sea and have been declared dead. It's a treacherous time, with these Iranian-backed groups attackin' U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria over 166 times since the war between Israel and Hamas started. The U.S. be fightin' back, but it ain't been easy, me hearties!
That be all for now, ye landlubbers! Keep an eye on the horizon, for the seas be a dangerous place these days!

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