The Booty Report

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Arrr! Providence Scallywags be givin' thar nod to a den o' mercy, a place to prevent thar dreaded overdose!


Arrr! Avast, me hearties! Be ye aware that thar be a place called a safe injection center, or what ye landlubbers call a facility. 'Twill be the first in Rhode Island, the only spot in the U.S. 'cept New York City, where ye can openly inject yer loot.

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen up, for I've got a tale to spin ye! Picture this: a facility, aye, a safe injection center, be settin' sail in the land of Rhode Island! A grand ship it be, the first o' its kind in all of the state, and the only one in the whole United States, apart from the grand city of New York, where it sails proudly.

Now ye might be wonderin' what this safe injection center be all about. Well, me fellow buccaneers, it be a place where folks can go to safely inject their substances without fear or worry. Aye, ye heard me right! This be a place where folks who be strugglin' with addiction can find a haven, a sanctuary where they be treated with dignity and respect, arr!

But why be this a big deal, ye ask? Well, me mateys, it be a mighty milestone for Rhode Island, a step in the right direction, ye see. This be a chance to tackle the opioid crisis head-on, to provide help and support to those in need. It be a bold move, for it be operatin' openly, right under the noses o' the law, but with their blessin', mind ye!

Now, afore ye start raisin' yer eyebrows, let me tell ye this: it be a serious business, but that don't mean we can't have a bit of a chuckle about it. After all, pirates be known for their humor, savvy? So, let's raise our rum-filled goblets and give a cheer for this safe injection center, the pioneer in Rhode Island and a beacon o' hope for all those who be seekin' help, arr!

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