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Arrr! Spooky spectres of the sea, rainin' frogs and halos o' the sun: Strange skies be seen in the US!


Avast ye, mateys! Behold, some queer reckonings o' weather in yer U.S. tales - fish 'n frogs plummetin' from th'sky, skies donned in eerie green hues 'n many such oddities. Arrr, the heavens be playin' tricks, I tell ye!

Arrr! Spooky spectres of the sea, rainin' frogs and halos o' the sun: Strange skies be seen in the US!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, it be quite common to see the rain and the snow fall, dependin' on the seasons. But ye see, the state of the atmosphere actually can cause some mighty strange climatic events, matey. Take a gander at some bizarre weather occurrences that have happened or could happen in the U.S., arrr!From fire tornados to "raining" fish and frogs, here be a list of weird weather phenomena – plus some of the fascinatin' and numerical facts behind 'em, ya scurvy dog. Ghost rainbows, or fogbows, be only different from their colorful counterparts due to appearance, me heartie. The two ingredients to form a fogbow be still sunlight and water droplets, ye see. The sun needs to be at a low angle to the existin' fog in the atmosphere for a fogbow to appear.Now, these fogbows be commonly spotted in the early mornings and late evenings, so keep a weathered eye out, me mateys! "Hair ice," on the other hand, be a rare ice formation believed to have some connection to a fungus found on dead wood. It be discovered by a scientist named Alfred Wegener back in 1918. And just last March, a nature photographer documented hair ice in Washington's Hoh Rainforest. Fascinatin' stuff, ain't it?Now, let's talk about sun halos, me hearties. These be the circles that surround the sun or moon, and they be a sign of high, thin cirrus clouds in the sky. And after a halo appears, the weather forecast be "ring around the moon means rain soon." Arrr, ye best be prepared for some wet weather, me landlubbers!But ye know what be truly awe-inspirin'? Haboobs! These be strong dust and sand storms that can occur in the southwestern region of the U.S. They be named after an Arabic word meanin' wind or blow, and they can last from 10 to 30 minutes, or even longer on rare occasions, me hearties. Keep yer eyes peeled when ye be sailin' through that part of the country!Now, let's talk about snow rollers, ye scallywags. These be naturally sculpted blankets of snow that be rolled up due to certain weather conditions. They be quite rare, mind ye, as they require the perfect mixture of moisture, snow, wind, and temperature. And if ye be lucky enough to spot one, ye'll be witnessin' a true marvel of nature, arrr!And finally, me mateys, let's not forget about fire tornados and "raining" frogs and fish. These be some truly mysterious phenomena that have occurred in America. Fire tornados can reach speeds up to 143 mph and can even uproot mighty trees. And as for the "raining" frogs and fish, well, they be caused by waterspouts or drafts that sweep up these creatures and rain 'em down at the same time as the rain, mateys. It's a sight to behold!So there ye have it, me hearties! Some truly bizarre weather occurrences that have happened or could happen in the U.S. Keep a weathered eye on the horizon, for ye never know what Mother Nature has in store for ye, arrr!

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