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Avast, me hearties! Biden be givin' not a care to the scallywaggin' Palestinian terror, whilst sanctionin' four fine mates! 'Tis pure politics, me thinks!


Avast ye scallywags! Methinks them exalted U.S. officials be scoldin' Biden for pointin' his finger at the Jewish brethren o' Israel whilst the Palestinian rabble be causin' a ruckus in the holy land! Arr, 'tis a pickle indeed!

President Biden has imposed sanctions on four Israeli settlers for their violent actions against Palestinians in the West Bank. This move has sparked anger among supporters of Israel, who argue that Palestinian violence is more prevalent and lethal. Former US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, criticized Biden's decision, accusing him of playing "pure politics" and suggesting that the sanctions were a result of Biden's efforts to court Arab-American votes in Michigan. The four Israelis who have been sanctioned are facing legal action in Israel for their actions. The sanctions bar these individuals from commerce with Americans in the US and from traveling to the US.

Many critics argue that Biden should focus on sanctioning Palestinians as well, particularly members of the Palestinian Authority who pay terrorists to kill Jews. They believe that Biden's decision is unfair and undermines the peace, security, and stability of the region.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also criticized Biden's decision, arguing that calling Israelis "settlers" is an ahistorical slur. He believes that Judea and Samaria are the rightful homeland of the Jewish people and that Biden's policy is reckless, especially considering his deference to Iran.

Overall, there is widespread disagreement and outrage regarding Biden's decision to sanction Israeli settlers. Supporters of Israel argue that it is unjust and politically motivated, while critics argue that the sanctions are necessary to address the violence and protect the safety and dignity of both Israelis and Palestinians.

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