The Booty Report

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Avast! Jake Sullivan be not denyin' the possibility o' US strikes in Iran, but swears that Biden be not seekin' a war, matey!


Beware ye scurvy dogs! Jake Sullivan, the swashbucklin' national security adviser, be promisin' a mighty "further action" against them Iran-backed rascals in the Middle East! Aye, mateys, them airstrikes be but the first cannonball fired from our mighty ship!

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan appeared on multiple Sunday programs to discuss the recent airstrikes against Iran-backed Houthi rebels. Sullivan emphasized that President Biden is not seeking a war in the Middle East but will respond when U.S. forces are attacked. He stated that the U.S. will continue to pursue a policy that responds with force but also avoids getting pulled into a wider conflict. Sullivan declined to rule out the possibility of strikes inside Iran, stating that the president will do what he thinks needs to be done to defend U.S. forces. He also addressed Republican criticism regarding the timing of the response, pointing out that the U.S. has previously taken action against militias in Iraq and Syria. Iran issued a warning to the U.S. over potentially targeting two cargo ships in the Middle East. Sullivan explained that the strikes aimed to reduce the capabilities of Iranian-backed militias and the Houthis. He assured that there will be more steps taken in response to the death of U.S. service members and the potential for further attacks. Sullivan also responded to criticism from House Speaker Mike Johnson, stating that the U.S. has made clear its intention to respond if attacked and expressing confidence in the actions taken so far. Johnson disagreed, arguing that the U.S. should not be appeasing Iran and should instead be increasing pressure on the country.

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