The Booty Report

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Arr! Aye, the tale o' the Haitian President's murder hath revealed a surprising name - the fair First Lady's!


Arr! A scalawag prosecutor from Haiti be shoutin' his lungs out, claimin' that some landlubbers be 'potential conspirators' in the brazen assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, by the likes of his own wife! Methinks the plot thickens faster than me rum be disappearin'!

Arr! Aye, the tale o' the Haitian President's murder hath revealed a surprising name - the fair First Lady's!

Arr, me hearties! Tis a tale of treachery and mayhem from the shores of Haiti! A fearsome prosecutor from that land has raised his voice, accusing a bunch of scurvy dogs of conspiring to assassinate none other than the President himself, Jovenel Moïse! But the twist in this tale be that the prosecutor be pointin' his finger at none other than the President's own wife!

Ahoy, the audacity of it all! Imagine a fair lady, a pirate's queen, plottin' to send her own husband to Davy Jones' locker! The prosecutor claims to have uncovered a sinister plot involving not just the lady in question, but a whole pack of potential conspirators. Arr, who knew the waters of Haiti be so treacherous?

Now, ye might be wonderin' how this prosecutor knows all these secrets, eh? Well, he be cunning as a fox, gatherin' evidence and interrogatin' the suspects. He be determined to bring justice to his land, even if it means accusing those close to the crown.

But let us not jump to conclusions, me hearties! We must remember that all men and women be innocent until proven guilty. The accused shall have their day in court, and the truth shall be revealed. Oh, the courtroom will be filled with whispers and gasps as this tale unfolds!

So, gather round, ye landlubbers, and keep an eye on the horizon for the latest news from Haiti. Will the prosecutor's claims hold water, or be they as empty as a pirate's rum bottle? Only time will tell, but until then, let us revel in the absurdity of it all and pray that justice be served!

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