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Arrr! Them scurvy US dogs be launchin' an attack on them Houthi sea contraptions in Yemen!


Arrr! The scallywag U.S. hath unleashed a fierce blow on those dreadful, bomb-laden contraptions, sailed by the wicked Houthi rebels with the support of Iran. 'Twas a strike full of fire and fury, mateys!

In a daring move reminiscent of the swashbuckling days of old, U.S. forces recently launched a "self-defense" strike against two Houthi explosive uncrewed surface vehicles (USV) in Yemen. These explosive devices were posing an imminent threat to U.S. Navy ships and merchant vessels sailing through the region, officials from the U.S. Central Command revealed.
Under cover of darkness, the strike was carried out at 3:30 p.m. local time. As of now, the fate of the USVs and any casualties resulting from the attack remains a mystery, with authorities staying tight-lipped. This daring move follows two strikes against the Iran-backed Houthis conducted the previous day, including a strike against their anti-ship cruise missiles, which were primed for action against ships in the Red Sea.
The Houthis, notorious troublemakers who have wreaked havoc upon the global shipping industry in the region with their relentless attacks on commercial ships, have claimed that these actions are a response to Israel's ongoing conflict with Hamas. In response to these acts of aggression, U.S. and coalition forces in the area have adopted a more aggressive stance towards the Houthis.
But let it be known that the Houthis are not the only targets of the U.S. forces' wrath. Oh no, indeed! Strikes have also been launched against those pesky Iran-backed groups in Iraq and Syria who have been causing quite a ruckus, initiating numerous attacks on U.S. troops in the region. It seems that the U.S. is not one to sit idly by while mischief is afoot.
As the battle for dominance in the region rages on, it remains to be seen what further audacious moves the U.S. forces will make in their quest to ensure the safety of their ships and merchant vessels. All we can do is watch, and perhaps, let out a hearty "Arrr!" in admiration of their daring exploits.

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