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Avast ye hearties! Cruz be insistin' on McConnell's departin', claimin' that the border parchment done gave them self-righteous Democrats a cloak!


Arr, 'tis a mighty squabble on the political sea! Sen. Ted Cruz be takin' aim at the helm o' Sen. Mitch McConnell, demandin' he walk the plank! Methinks this be one spicy tussle amongst the scurvy dogs!

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has criticized the Senate's handling of the border bill, calling it a disaster both in terms of policy and politics. Cruz argues that the bill, crafted by Senators James Lankford, Chris Murphy, and Kyrsten Sinema, is designed to make the border situation worse and allows for the normalization of 5,000 illegal migrants per day. He claims that this would amount to 1.8 million illegal immigrants a year and around 6 million over Biden's three-year term. Cruz also expressed his view that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell may need to be replaced at the top of GOP leadership. McConnell responded by saying that Cruz is not a fan of his. Cruz claimed that the other senators present at the press conference agreed with his call for leadership changes. He also criticized a provision in the bill that would direct litigation against the law to be filed in the liberal District of Columbia instead of Texas. Cruz believes that the bill's failure benefits Democratic leaders because it provides political cover to lawmakers facing re-election. He pointed to the case of an illegal immigrant who assaulted NYPD officers and flipped them off after being released on no bail as an example of Democrats' true position on border security. Host Sean Hannity suggested that upcoming special elections could result in a different outcome for Republicans' attempt to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

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