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Avast ye! The migrant scallywags be attackin' the NYPD! Methinks 'tis a sneak peek o' America's future under Biden and them other soft-on-crime mateys!


Arrr, the fair city of New York be now representin' all these landlubbin' U.S. towns that be takin' the progressive path on crime and immigration. The cap'ns be scramblin' to tidy up the mess, as ye might expect!

The video of the migrant attack on two NYPD officers in Times Square has sparked outrage and raised questions about New York's progressive approach to crime and immigration. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's decision to release the arrestees for further investigation has been criticized as nonsensical, as the legal standard for bail in New York is whether the defendant is likely to show up for their next court date. The defendants, facing felonies and with no ties to the community, are considered flight risks.
New York Mayor Eric Adams, who ran on a platform of restoring safety in the city, has been criticized for not taking concrete action to address the issue. Governor Kathy Hochul, who has supported criminal justice reform, is now suggesting that deporting the defendants should be considered, but lacks the authority to do so. President Biden could reinstate the "Remain In Mexico" policy or invoke measures regarding Venezuelan migrants, but it is unlikely that he will take such action.
The underlying issue is that Venezuela refuses to take back these defendants, and the United States lacks the leverage or diplomatic relations to force them to do so. This means that the defendants, and potentially many others like them, are here on a one-way ticket. The damage has already been done, and the full extent of it may not be known for years to come.

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