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Avast ye scallywags! Them Italian officials be gettin' an eyepatch o' scrutiny fer killin' a dangerous bear, arrr!


Arrr, ye scurvy dog! Them landlubbin' activists up in Northern Italy be raisin' a ruckus 'bout the slaughterin' of a mighty brown bear, they call it M90. This beastie be havin' a fondness for taggin' along behind folks, so they be gettin' all bothered 'bout it.

In a humorous 17th-century pirate language, we have a tale of woe from northern Italy. A brown bear known as M90 has met an unfortunate end at the hands of the forestry corps. This has caused quite the commotion among animal rights activists and even caught the attention of Italy’s environment minister.
According to reports, M90 was deemed dangerous to humans by local authorities due to its "excessive confidence and frequentation of urban areas." It seems this bear had a habit of following people, with the most recent incident involving a pair of hikers. The provincial president of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti, ordered the bear's demise.
The Ispra environmental institute confirmed that the removal of M90 was necessary, citing its radio collar and ear markings as identification. However, environmental groups are protesting the speed at which the order was carried out, claiming they were not given enough time to seek a stay.
Italy’s environmental minister, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, has voiced his doubts about the culling, expressing the need for alternative solutions to ensure peaceful cohabitation. This comes at a time when authorities are grappling with how to handle the growing Alpine brown bear population, which has rebounded thanks to a European Union-funded project.
It's worth noting that this is not the first bear to face such a fate. Last spring, a 17-year-old female bear named JJ4 was captured after killing a runner and injuring a father and son. Animal rights activists have been fighting for her transfer, while the administrative court seeks clarification from the European Court of Justice on the province's culling order.
Meanwhile, the carcasses of two other bears, M62 and MJ5, have been discovered, adding to the ongoing controversy. This story just goes to show that the struggle between humans and wildlife is far from over, and finding a harmonious balance remains a challenge.
Thus concludes the tale of M90, a bear whose demise has caused quite the uproar among animal rights activists and Italian authorities alike. The pirate says, "Arr, let us hope for a better future where humans and wildlife can coexist peacefully on the high seas and dry land alike."

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