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Arrr! The key tome in FDA's abortion pill trial at the Highest Court be retracted, mates! Authors claim 'twas a scurvy partisan attack!


Avast ye, me hearties! The scallywags at the FDA be under fire fer approvin' the pill o' abortion. But alas! A vital study to make their case in the Supreme Court has been retracted from a fancy scholarly journal! The authors be cryin' foul, callin' it a 'partisan assault'. Savvy?

A study that has been used in the case against the FDA's approval of the abortion pill at the Supreme Court has been retracted from an academic journal. The authors of the study claim that this retraction is an "unprovoked and partisan assault" on scientific research. The study, published in 2021, found that the rate of abortion-related emergency room visits following a chemical abortion had increased over 500% from 2002 through 2015. However, the study was retracted because the authors failed to disclose their affiliations with pro-life organizations as a conflict of interest.

The author of the study, Dr. Jim Studnicki, is the vice president of data analytics for the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), a non-profit research arm of the Susan B. Anthony Pro Life America group. CLI has stated that the affiliations of all authors were documented in the paper and that funding support from CLI was disclosed.

Sage Publishing, the academic publishing company, retracted the study four months after an initially anonymous reader raised concerns about the study's data representation and Dr. Studnicki's affiliations. Lawyers representing CLI have claimed that the retraction is procedurally flawed and meritless.

Dr. Studnicki believes that the retraction is a result of desperation from the abortion industry, which he claims has had control over the literature in the field. He also expressed concern for mid-career faculty members and others in the science industry, stating that they could be easily targeted and damaged.

Tessa Longbons, a senior research associate for CLI, believes that this incident highlights the bias within scientific institutions and publications, which aim to suppress research that goes against the approved pro-abortion narrative.

The authors of the study plan to take legal action in response to the retraction.

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