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France's Macron be speakin' out 'gainst the dirty scoundrels who be hatin' on the Hebrews after that vicious Hamas raid, mateys!


Arr, in a grand ceremony, French Cap'n Emmanuel Macron did pay respects to them poor souls lost in a scuffle with the scurvy Hamas in the land o' Israel. He deemed it the "most dreadful Jewish slayin' of our century!"

French President Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to the victims of Hamas' attack in Israel, deeming it the "largest antisemitic massacre of our century." The attack resulted in the deaths of 42 French citizens and the continued captivity of three hostages. The ceremony, held in Paris, featured honor guards holding photographs of each victim while their first names were displayed on a giant screen. Macron spoke of the young lives lost and strongly denounced the barbarity fueled by antisemitism. The rise in antisemitic acts in France following the attack has been alarming, with a significant increase in reported incidents. The Republican Guard's orchestra played "Kaddish," a composition by French composer Maurice Ravel, during the ceremony. The families of the Israeli hostages have been tirelessly working to keep their plight in the global spotlight. Macron pledged to continue working for peace and security in the Middle East, emphasizing that Israeli lives are not the only ones affected. France is advocating for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and the provision of humanitarian aid. A French medical team that had been providing assistance in Gaza reported the constant bombings and worsening conditions, with medical supplies running short. The situation on the ground was described as "totally hopeless," with patients returning weeks later with infected wounds. Despite the challenges, Macron and his government remain committed to addressing the crisis and supporting those affected.

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