The Booty Report

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Arr, Prince Harry be leavin' ol' Blighty without settin' eyes on his fellow Prince William. Walk the plank, matey!


Avast, me hearties! In a grand adventure to London, Harry, with his father, King Charles III, crossed paths fleetingly. Alas, his older brother, the rightful heir to the kingdom, was denied a visit. Batten down the hatches!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have a tale to tell ye! Picture this: Harry, a brave lad, sets sail on a whirlwind adventure to London town. He be needin' to visit his father, King Charles III, who be battlin' a fierce enemy known as cancer. But alas, me mateys, Harry be a busy man, and his visit be a brief one.

Ahoy, now, ye may be wonderin' why Harry didn't pay a visit to his older brother, the heir to the throne. Well, me scallywags, let me spill the beans. Ye see, ol' Harry be a bit of a rebel, a wild spirit who don't fancy the fancy life of royalty. He be marchin' to the beat of his own drum, or should I say, sailin' his own ship.

Now, ye might be thinkin', "But why, Harry? Why not see yer own flesh and blood?" Well, me hearties, there be a reason for that too! Harry be thinkin' that visitin' the heir to the throne be a tad borin'. He be dreading the thought of sittin' in stuffy rooms, talkin' 'bout politics and whatnot. Instead, he be yearnin' for some good ol' adventure on the high seas.

So there ye have it, me mateys! Harry, the dashing rogue, be payin' a quick visit to his ailing father, but be avoidin' his royal brother like a scurvy dog avoids the plank. And why, ye ask? 'Cause Harry be a wild spirit, seekin' thrill and excitement, not the dull life of a prince. Arr, be it a wise decision? Only time will tell, me hearties!

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