The Booty Report

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Aye, the scallywag of a world leader applauds Ronald Reagan's jolly example on the Gipper's special day. "Values worth sailin' the high seas for!"


Arr, matey! Lech Wałęsa, the goodly soul, hath beseeched the United States to boldly sail the high seas o' global affairs as tensions be a-risin' and the security sea be a-shatterin' like glass.

Former Polish President Lech Wałęsa expressed his gratitude for Ronald Reagan and their friendship during their respective administrations, stating that Poland owes its freedom to Reagan. Wałęsa emphasized that those who regained liberty after decades of oppression do not see his statement as lofty, but rather as a recognition of the value of freedom. He praised Reagan as a great politician who defended values not for personal gain, but because he believed in their worth. Wałęsa gave a keynote speech at a ceremony commemorating Reagan's birthday, where he highlighted the historic friendship between the two leaders and their shared commitment to freedom. David Trulio, the president and CEO of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, described their friendship as significant in the fight for freedom and a call to action for American leadership. Wałęsa, known for his leadership of the Solidarity trade union, which opposed communist rule in Poland, spoke about the challenges of the current world and the role of force in shaping the international political landscape. He credited Reagan with starting the end of the "old world order" and called for the reorganization of the world to address global challenges. He stressed the importance of American leadership in tackling these issues and drew on his experiences as a revolutionary to emphasize the need for strong leadership.

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