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Arrr! A cryptic 19th century sea vessel be driftin' ashore on Canada's snowy lands, battered by the mighty sea!


Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! A mighty shipwreck, believed to be from the 19th century, hath washed ashore on Canada's Atlantic coastline. Them fancy archaeologists be scramblin' to uncover its bewitchin' history. Shiver me timbers, it be a puzzlin' mystery, indeed!

A shipwreck believed to be from the 19th century has washed up on the shores of Canada's Newfoundland. A team of archaeologists worked to uncover the ship's mysterious past before it is pulled back into the ocean. They took photographs, videos, and measurements, as well as collected wood core samples to determine its origin and age. The shipwreck's placement along Canada's Atlantic coastline is not ideal as it continues to get battered by the ocean. The wreck was first discovered in late January in an area known for its numerous shallow rocks that have historically been a shipwreck graveyard. Newfoundland's Archaeology Office states that there are potentially thousands of shipwrecks in the waters around the island, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of this vessel. Some believe that Hurricane Fiona may have dislodged the ship from the ocean floor. The community has launched a GoFundMe page to raise money for preserving and transporting the vessel, as it has captured the imagination of people worldwide and brought attention to the small community of approximately 300 people in Cape Ray. They believe the shipwreck drifted into Cape Ray for a reason and want to help tell its story.

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