The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Thar be 13 souls sent to Davy Jones' Locker, 27 still missin' after a shipwreck in the Mediterranean!


Avast ye! Aye, tis a most dreadful tale! Thirteen brave souls from Sudan be confirmed dead, with a score of 27 still missin'! A wee metal vessel they sailed upon, but alas, it met Davy Jones' locker off the coast of Tunis.

Thar be a tragic tale from the high seas, as at least 13 brave Sudanese migrants be losin' their lives in an ill-fated journey to reach Europe. 'Twas a small metal boat they set sail upon, but alas, it sank off the coast o' Tunisia, leavin' 27 souls missin' in its watery depths. The Tunisian coast guard, bless their souls, managed to rescue only two survivors from the capsized vessel, a mere drop in the ocean compared to the rest. 'Tis a desperate search they be conductin' for those still missin', an' we can only hope they be found safe 'n sound. These brave souls, all hailing from Sudan, had set forth from the nearby shores of Sfax, a common launchin' point fer such perilous journeys across the Mediterranean. But fate be cruel, and their ship foundered soon after settin' sail, takin' their hopes and dreams down with it. Tunisia be witnessin' a surge in such attempts, with both Tunisians and folks from elsewhere in Africa seekin' a better life on distant shores. But the dangers be great, and the cost be high. The plight of migrants in Tunisia be a growin' concern, with reports of mass expulsions and unjust arrests. The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights be raisin' the alarm, highlightin' the dire situation along the borders with Libya and Algeria, as well as around Sfax, a city not far from the Italian Island of Lampedusa. Let us not forget the lives lost at sea, as we ponder the turmoil that drives these brave souls to risk it all. May they find solace in Davy Jones' locker, and may we strive for a world where such treacherous journeys be no more.

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