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Arrr! Polish PM Donald Tusk be claimin' Reagan be spinnin' in his grave as them scurvy Republicans be holdin' back aid fer Ukraine!


Arrr! Methinks Polish Cap'n Donald Tusk be claimin' that ol' President Reagan be churnin' in Davy Jones' locker, as them scurvy Republican senators be thwartin' the treasure chest o' Ukraine aid.

In a humorous tone, the article discusses Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk's criticism of American Republican senators who stalled an additional $60 billion in U.S. aid for Ukraine. Tusk invoked former Republican President Ronald Reagan, who had supported Poland in its struggle for independence from Moscow's dominance in the 1980s. Tusk expressed disappointment in the Republican senators, stating that Reagan must be turning in his grave. Poland, which borders Ukraine, has been seeking unwavering support for Kyiv's forces following Russia's invasion. The article mentions that in a national election, Polish voters embraced Tusk and more centrist parties after years of rule by a nationalist conservative party that clashed with the European Union. The previous Warsaw government had been criticized by the EU for not resolving issues at the Poland-Ukraine border. The article includes a response from a Polish conservative journalist who criticized Tusk and highlighted the battles Poland faces. The U.S. Senate failed to pass a spending agreement that included aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as a border security and immigration package. The article provides details of the voting and mentions that the package had been negotiated for months. The article also mentions that President Biden supports aid for Ukraine and Israel and believes there should be a new border policy. The Republican conference is divided on the issue, and the impasse has led to a halt in arms shipments to Ukraine.

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