The Booty Report

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Avast ye! 'Tis said that Jonathan Majors be no gentleman, with a black mark in his past, as women claim!


Arrr! The scurvy actor be denyin' any sort o' physical abuse, matey! And, to add insult to injury, he claims he weren't even informed of these accusations of misbehavior on the set of that fancy "Lovecraft Country"! Blimey, what a scallywag he be!

Arr, me hearties! Listen well to this tale of a scallywag actor who's been caught up in a storm of trouble. This infamous rogue be denyin' any tales of physical abuse, claimin' innocence like a parrot with a clean beak.
But hold your horses, me mateys! There be more to this yarn. The actor, in a separate breath, be swearin' on his treasure chest that he had no knowledge of any accusations of misbehavior on the set of a show called "Lovecraft Country." Arr, what a surprise! It be like findin' a mermaid in a bottle of rum.
Now, ye may be wonderin' why this be such a jolly jest. Well, me hearties, it be because the actor be denyin' two different tales of woe, like a landlubber who can't make up his mind which way to sail. First, he be denyin' the physical abuse, tryin' to keep his reputation as clean as a freshly scrubbed deck. But then, like a pirate who's walked the plank, he be pretendin' he knew nothin' about the misbehavior on "Lovecraft Country."
Arr, me mateys, can ye believe the gall of this scallywag? It be like a pirate who steals doubloons and then claims he didn't know they were cursed. He be tryin' to escape the hangman's noose by playin' dumb, but we all know he be a crafty one.
So, me hearties, keep a weather eye on this tale. The actor may be sailin' in troubled waters, but only time will tell if he be walkin' the plank or escapin' on a secret treasure ship. Until then, let's all have a good laugh at his feeble attempts to deny his misdeeds. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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