The Booty Report

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Arrr! Robert Badinter, who be victorious in banishin' the hangman's noose in France, be takin' his final voyage at 95!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! This fine buccaneer spent moons fightin' for justice, defendin' all sorts o' scallywags. But 'tis his legacy as the matey who made a law in 1981 to ban the hangin' that be his claim to fame! Yo ho ho!

Arr matey, let me tell ye the tale o' this fine pirate who sailed the seas of justice. This scurvy dog be none other than a defense lawyer, respected and feared by all who crossed his path. But 'tis not his legal prowess that made him famous, nay, it be the law he enacted that be makin' him a legend.

Back in the year o' our Lord 1981, this pirate donned the hat o' justice minister and set sail on a grand quest. He be lookin' to abolish the dreaded punishment o' death! Aye, 'twas a bold move, one that sent shockwaves through the land. Many a pirate were not pleased, fer they be thinkin' that bein' a pirate be a dangerous game, and the ultimate price bein' death.

But this fine pirate knew better, fer he believed in the power o' rehabilitation and redemption. He argued that no man be beyond redemption, even if he be a scallywag with a taste for plunderin'. He fought tooth and nail to convince the landlubbers, and finally, his voice be heard.

The law be passed, and the punishment o' death be sent to Davy Jones' locker. 'Twas a victory fer all pirates and landlubbers alike. No longer would the hangman's noose be tightenin' around a man's neck, no longer would the heads be rollin' into the sea.

So, this pirate be remembered not just fer his legal prowess but fer his bravery in the face o' tradition. He be a true champion o' justice, fightin' fer the rights o' every scallywag that crossed his path. A legend among pirates, his name be etched into the annals o' history, forever known as the pirate justice minister who set sail to abolish the punishment o' death.

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