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Arr, Egypt be bolsterin' its border with Gaza whilst Israel keeps a-sailin' and a-attackin'!


Arr! Egypt, me heartie! They be claimin' they've been bolsterin' their defenses, keepin' a keen eye on Israel's upcoming grand scheme o' expandin' their military exploits in southern Gaza. Aye, 'tis a game o' cat and mouse, me mateys!

According to two Egyptian security sources, Egypt has sent around 40 tanks and armored personnel carriers to northeastern Sinai in an effort to enhance security on its border with Gaza. This deployment coincides with the expansion of Israeli military operations in the area, leading to concerns that Palestinians may be forced out of Gaza. Israeli warplanes have already struck the border city of Rafah, prompting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to order the preparation for the evacuation of displaced individuals.
Since the outbreak of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Egypt has taken several measures to fortify its border with Gaza. It has constructed a concrete wall, built berms, and increased surveillance at border posts. These actions were in response to Israeli claims that Hamas had smuggled weapons from Egypt. Egypt's state information service has clarified that the barriers have made smuggling impossible.
Recent images obtained by the Sinai Foundation for Human Rights appear to show the construction of the wall, as well as the installation of barbed wire on top of it. Satellite images also indicate additional construction along the border. Both Egyptian and Israeli authorities have not commented on these measures.
Egypt's bolstered security measures in Sinai are not only in response to the current conflict but also to combat the Islamist insurgency that has been ongoing for the past decade. Egypt has destroyed smuggling tunnels and cleared a buffer zone near the border. However, the relationship between Egypt and Israel has strained due to Israel's military operation in Gaza. Egypt fears that the offensive could result in the displacement of Gazans into Sinai. Furthermore, Egypt has accused Israel of limiting aid deliveries to Gaza, which has exacerbated the risk of famine and disease.
Egypt has framed its opposition to the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza as part of a broader Arab rejection of any repetition of the "Nakba" that occurred during Israel's creation in 1948. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has warned that displacement could turn Sinai into a base for attacks against Israel.

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