The Booty Report

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Arr! Avast ye mateys! A mighty rumble of 4.6 magnitude hath struck Southern California! Shiver me timbers!


Arrr! The scallywags in charge be claimin' that no grand harm befallen from the quake, one of many that struck near Malibu, Calif., close to Los Angeles. Methinks they be seekin' to downplay the chaos, but we pirates know better, arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, I be bringin' ye news about a mighty quake that shook the lands near Malibu, Calif., not far from the grand city o' Los Angeles. The authorities be sayin' that there be no reports of major destruction at this time, but fear not, for this be a tale of adventure and amusement, not one of sorrow and despair.
Arrr, me mateys, imagine the terror that befall those landlubbers when the ground beneath their feet be shakin' like a scurvy dog shakin' off water from its fur! The mighty quake, one of many that be strikin' the region, be sendin' shockwaves through the hearts of men and women, but luckily, no significant damage be done. Aye, it be a lucky day for the land of Malibu!
Can ye picture it, me hearties? The panic that be settin' in as the earth be rumblin' like a caged kraken, makin' folks run for cover! But lo and behold, the buildings be holdin' strong, and the good people of Malibu be breathin' a sigh of relief. The authorities be sayin' that all be well, no harm to report.
Arrr, but let's not forget, me hearties, that this be just one of many tremors that be strikin' this cursed land. The sea be churnin', the earth be quakin', and the people be holdin' their breath. But fear not, for the spirit of the pirate be strong, and we shall weather this storm, just as we have done in times of yore!
So, me mateys, raise yer mugs of grog and toast to the brave folks of Malibu. Though they be shaken, they be unbowed! May they find their peace and tranquility, and may the ground beneath their feet be as steady as a pirate's resolve. Yo ho ho!

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