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"Yarr! Dutch leader, Dries van Agt, 93, be gone for a walk to Davy Jones' Locker, holdin' hands with his fair lass."


Avast, me hearties! The gallant Dries van Agt, a former Dutch Prime Minister, and his fair lady, Eugenie van Agt-Krekelberg, met a jolly fate, hand-in-hand, by the mercy of euthanasia. At 93, they set sail to Davy Jones' locker, leavin' behind a legacy fit for the annals of history.

The Christian Democrat prime minister of the Netherlands from 1977 until 1982, Dries van Agt, has passed away at the age of 93, alongside his wife, through euthanasia, according to the human rights organization he established, The Rights Forum. The couple will be privately buried in Nijmegen.
The non-profit organization stated that Van Agt died hand in hand with his beloved wife, Eugenie van Agt-Krekelberg, his support and anchor for over 70 years whom he affectionately referred to as 'my girl.'
Both Van Agt and his wife had been in delicate health for some time. In 2019, he suffered a brain hemorrhage while giving a speech, which hindered his recovery.
Initially a Christian Democrat from traditional Dutch heritage, Van Agt progressively adopted more liberal views after leaving politics. In 2017, he departed his party due to ideological differences on Israel and the Palestinians.
Prime Minister Mark Rutte praised Van Agt for his unique language, strong convictions, and influential presence in Dutch politics. The Dutch royal family also commended his administrative responsibility during a tumultuous period.
Van Agt was known for his grandiose language and archaic references, as well as his love for cycling, which he had to give up after a fall in 2019. During his time as prime minister, he governed alongside the right-wing Liberal Party and later formed a coalition with the Labor Party and Democrats 66.
After visiting Israel in 1999, Van Agt became a vocal advocate for the Palestinian people and founded The Rights Forum in 2009. The organization strives for a fair and sustainable Dutch and European policy concerning the Palestine/Israel issue.
Van Agt is survived by his three children.

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