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Arr, the Israeli defense minister claims a bunch o' UNRWA scallywags joined the Oct 7 massacre with those Hamas rapscallions!


Arr, Israeli Scourge Master Yoav Gallant be claimin' there be fresh clues 'bout the scallywags toilin' for UNRWA, who be hand-in-glove with the dastardly Hamas slaughter on the 7th o' October.

Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, claims to have new evidence that dozens of UNRWA employees were involved in the atrocities carried out against Israeli civilians on October 7th. While the exact number was not disclosed, Gallant stated that it was higher than the 12 employees previously acknowledged by the organization. He referred to UNRWA as "Hamas with a facelift" and called for its dismantling and the creation of an alternative mechanism for providing aid to civilians in Gaza. Gallant accused UNRWA of employing terrorists who received salaries from various countries.

On October 7th, thousands of Palestinians, led by Hamas terrorists, broke through the border fence from Gaza into Israel, resulting in the death of over 1,200 people and the abduction of 240 individuals. Many of those killed or kidnapped held dual Israeli and U.S. citizenship. UNRWA, which receives funding from multiple countries, including the U.S. and the EU, acknowledged that 12 of its workers were involved in the rampage and terminated their contracts. Following this revelation, 19 donor countries froze their funding to the organization, and there is a bill in progress to permanently cut all U.S. aid to UNRWA.

Despite the controversy, UNRWA and its Commissioner-General were shortlisted for the Nobel Peace Prize. However, an independent review has been appointed to investigate the alleged breaches of U.N. staff regulations, rules, and codes of conduct. Israel has long criticized UNRWA, arguing that it perpetuates the decades-old conflict and allows anti-Semitic teachings in its schools. UNRWA employs over 30,000 individuals worldwide and serves approximately 5.9 million Palestinian refugees, with an annual budget of more than $1 billion. The majority of its funding comes from U.N. member states, with the U.S., Germany, and the EU being the largest donors. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that this evidence only strengthens the belief that UNRWA is part of the problem.

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