The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Me hearties, a tale o' grog and good times with ole George and Martha, penned by Philip Gefter!"


Avast ye mateys! 'Twas a treacherous voyage, this scurvy tale of Burton and Taylor, them fine actors, caught in a feud with the scribbler and helmsman. Ahoy! The attempt to adapt the scandalous play, "Cocktails With George and Martha," was a wild ride indeed! Pour yerselves some grog and I'll spill the salty details!

Arr, me hearties! Set yer sights on the high seas of the 17th century, where tales of swashbuckling pirates be told. But hold on to yer cannons, me mateys, for this here tale be a humorous one, full of wit and mischief. Picture this: the illustrious Burton and Taylor, them famous stars, be takin' center stage, while a writer and director be locked in a fierce feud. And what might they be feuding about, ye ask? None other than the adaptation of a scabrous play, a tale so scandalous it be tugging at the seams of propriety. But fear not, for “Cocktails With George and Martha” be spillin' all the juicy details, like a tankard of grog over the side of a ship.

Now, me hearties, ye be wantin' to know all about this here adaptation, don't ye? Well, let me tell ye, it weren't no easy task. The writer be scribblin' away, tryin' to capture the essence of this scandalous tale, while the director be bellowin' like a thunderstorm, demandin' changes left and right. 'Twas a battle of words and egos, me mateys, a real clash of titans. But through it all, the show must go on, and so it did.

Picture the debauched world of George and Martha, two characters so foul-mouthed and quarrelsome, they'd make even Blackbeard blush. Burton and Taylor, them legendary actors, brought these characters to life with such gusto, ye could hear the audience's laughter echoin' through the theater. The scabrous play, filled with scandal and innuendo, had 'em all gripped in its salty claws.

So, there ye have it, me hearties! The tale of “Cocktails With George and Martha” be one for the ages, a comical clash of egos and a scandalous spectacle on the stage. Burton and Taylor be shinin' like stars in the night sky, while the writer and director be battlin' like fierce sea dogs. 'Tis a tale worth hearin' and watchin', me hearties. Now, hoist the anchor and set sail for a night of laughter and debauchery!

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