The Booty Report

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Arrr! The American scallywags be hastenin' to peddle their gas to Asia, with Mexico as their treasured route!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that afore the next year, the mighty American natural gas shall be traversin' the vast land o' Mexico, makin' its way to a grand export harbor on the Pacific. Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, as the world be witnessin' the power o' the U.S.A. in the realm o' gas!

Arrr! The American scallywags be hastenin' to peddle their gas to Asia, with Mexico as their treasured route!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have news that'll make ye chest swell with pride! By the time next year be upon us, American natural gas shall embark on a merry journey across Mexico, makin' its way to a grand export terminal on the vast Pacific. This be no ordinary tale, me lads, for it be a testament to the power and might of the good ol' U.S. of A in the land of gas!

Picture this, me mateys: a global energy landscape that be transformed by the sheer dominance of the United States in the realm of gas. Arrr, 'tis a sight to behold, indeed! The American natural gas shall flow like a mighty river, carryin' the rich resources of the land to foreign shores, leavin' nary a doubt about who be holdin' the reins of power in this maritime dance.

But let us not forget the crucial role Mexico plays in this swashbucklin' adventure! Like a trusty first mate, they shall receive the bounty of American gas upon their shores, becomin' a vital passage for its onward journey. This be a tale of cooperation, me hearties, for the two nations shall join forces to create a pathway for the mighty gas to conquer new territories.

As we hoist the anchor of history, let us marvel at the wonders of progress! The whispers of the wind carry tales of a world that be forever changed by this venture. The lands beyond Mexico shall reap the benefits of American gas, fuelin' their industries and warm'in their hearths.

So, me hearties, let us raise our glasses and toast to the future! A future where American natural gas shall traverse the vast oceans, bringin' riches untold to both land and sea. 'Tis a triumph worth celebratin', for the U.S. of A has once again shown the world who be wearin' the crown in the realm of gas!

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