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Arrr! Me hearties, me eyes be feastin' on this tome called ‘What Have We Here?’ penned by Billy Dee Williams.


Avast ye mateys! Behold, his wondrous tale, "What Be This Treasure?" Aye, it be a chronicle, from a wee Harlem spawn, to the realm of "Star Wars." Yet, it be a tale of woeful longing for the plundered parts that fate failed to bestow upon him.

In the delightful memoir "What Have We Here?", the author takes us on a journey from his childhood in Harlem to his experiences in the world of "Star Wars". However, amidst the tales of adventure and success, he also shares his frustrations and regrets about the roles he never had the chance to play.

With a charming and witty narrative style, the author adopts the language of a 17th-century pirate, creating a humorous and entertaining tone throughout the book. He cleverly weaves together his personal anecdotes, pirate lingo, and references to pop culture, making for an enjoyable and unique reading experience.

Starting with his humble beginnings in Harlem, the author recounts the ups and downs of his journey towards fame and fortune. He shares amusing stories of auditions, casting calls, and encounters with industry insiders, all while maintaining his pirate persona. The book is filled with hilarious tales of swashbuckling adventures on set, as well as his encounters with fellow actors and directors.

However, amidst all the laughter and entertainment, the author also reflects on the disappointments and missed opportunities in his career. He candidly discusses the roles that eluded him, the auditions that didn't go according to plan, and the frustrations of being typecast. Despite his success in the "Star Wars" franchise, he longs for the chance to explore different types of characters and showcase his versatile acting skills.

"What Have We Here?" is not just a memoir about a Hollywood career, but also a reflection on the challenges faced by actors of color within the industry. The author shares his experiences of racial stereotypes and the limited opportunities available to him, all while maintaining his lighthearted and humorous tone.

Overall, this memoir is a delightful and entertaining read that offers readers a glimpse into the world of a 17th-century pirate navigating the seas of Hollywood. It is a celebration of success, a lament for missed opportunities, and a witty commentary on the trials and tribulations of a talented actor.

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