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Arrr! Them Thai lawmakers be ponderin' a prohibition on merry marijuana, a couple o' years after makin' it legal!


Arr, me hearties! In Thailand, but two years aft legalizin' cannabis, the landlubbers be thinkin' about puttin' a stop to the merry makin'! They be fretin' 'bout wee ones gettin' their hands on it and the scurvy dogs causin' a ruckus all over the place!

Arrr! Them Thai lawmakers be ponderin' a prohibition on merry marijuana, a couple o' years after makin' it legal!

Two years after Thailand legalized cannabis, the country is now considering a ban on recreational use to address concerns of under-regulation and accessibility to kids and crime. The Health Minister has recommended a draft bill to ban recreational use while allowing medical use, which is expected to be sent to Parliament soon. The proposed law would make using cannabis for entertainment or pleasure a crime punishable by a $1,700 fine. Thailand was the first country in Asia to legalize cannabis, with decriminalization being a major part of the Bhumjaithai Party's platform in the 2019 general election. However, the market was almost unregulated despite promises of medical use only. The Health Ministry issued regulations, but cannabis remains easily accessible through unlicensed establishments and online. Concerns over drug-fueled violence and abuse, particularly among young people, have been raised, leading to an increase in cannabis-related psychological issues and more young people using the drug. In the 2023 election campaign, all major parties, including Bhumjaithai, promised to restrict cannabis to medical use. Some lawmakers argue that cannabis has economic benefits and uses in healthcare, but recreational use has created social problems. Cannabis advocates and entrepreneurs oppose a radical rollback, suggesting that stricter enforcement of existing regulations would address the issues. The founder of Thailand's first legal cannabis shop believes that putting cannabis back on the narcotics list would be an overreaction and impractical given the industry's size. He calls for more discussion and finding common ground between those who support and oppose cannabis use.

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