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Arr! Australia be settin' sail to ban doxxin' after them pro-Palestinian scallywags be sharin' secrets o' Jewish folk!


Arrr, the Aussie government be decreedin' on a fine Tuesday that it shall outlaw the heinous act o' doxxin', as them pesky pro-Palestinian rapscallions have gone ahead and be exposin' the personal tidbits o' countless Jewish landlubbers. Harrr, no more shall this mischievous game be played!

The Australian government has announced plans to ban doxxing, the release of personal information without consent, in response to pro-Palestinian activists publishing personal details of Jewish individuals in the country. Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, who is Jewish himself, stated that the proposed laws would involve issuing take-down notices to social media platforms and imposing fines. Last week, it was revealed that pro-Palestinian activists had distributed a nearly 900-page transcript leaked from a private WhatsApp group created by Jewish writers, artists, musicians, and academics. The transcript included a spreadsheet with the personal information of almost 600 alleged members of the group. Proponents argue that this should not be considered doxxing, but rather an organized response to punish Palestinian activists and their allies.

Dreyfus explained that the proposed laws would strengthen protections against hate speech, though he provided few details on how they would be enforced. He emphasized the need to protect Australia's vibrant multicultural community. The Executive Council of Australian Jewry, representing the Jewish community, supported the government's proposal. However, some experts expressed concerns about the enforcement of such laws, suggesting that social media companies should bear more responsibility.

Antisemitism in Australia has reportedly increased following the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel in October. The government's online safety watchdog defines doxxing as the intentional exposure of personal information without consent. The government aims to work with the Jewish community to understand the extent of harm caused and to effectively tackle this dangerous practice.

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