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Arrr, them scurvy dogs, Yemen's Houthis, be blastin' two fiery cannons at a cargo ship, set for a Persian port!


Arr ye scurvy dogs! Them Houthi knaves, backed by Iran, be havin' fired two mighty cannonballs at a merchant vessel sailin' the Red Sea. It be headin' fer an Iranian port, all the way from Brazil! So say the authorities, mateys!

In a pirate's tongue, mateys, the U.S. military be tellin' us that them Iran-backed Houthi rebels be takin' aim at a cargo ship sailin' in the Red Sea, headin' to an Iranian port. Arrgh!
These Houthi scallywags fired two missiles from Yemen at the Bab al-Mandeb Strait, causin' quite a stir between 3:30 a.m. and 3:45 a.m. Swashbucklin' pirates they be!
The ship they targeted be the MV Star Iris, a fine vessel owned by the Greeks and flyin' the Marshall Islands flag. It be travellin' all the way from Brazil to the Red Sea when those Houthi rascals set their sights on it, according to the U.S. Central Command. Shiver me timbers!
Now, this ship's final destination be none other than Bandar Iman Khomeini, a port city in the Persian Gulf belongin' to Iran. Arrgh, they be aimin' for their own waters!
Thank the heavens, me hearties, the ship be reportin' only minor damage and no harm to the crew. They be seaworthy and ready to sail the seven seas once more, as Centcom be postin' on their X marks the spot.
These Houthi landlubbers be supported by Iran, and they be threatenin' innocent cargo ships sailin' in the Red Sea. They be doin' it to get back at Israel for their little skirmish with Hamas. Naught but troublemakers they be!
The U.S., in all its might, be retaliatin' with a series of airstrikes against these Houthi blaggards, hopin' to show 'em who's boss. Arrgh, the battle continues!

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