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Arrr! The scurvy dog Gov. Cooper be signin' a grand decree to keep 1M acres o' forests and wetlands safe!


Arrr, me hearties! The cap'n, NC Gov. Cooper, hath inked a grand decree, mark ye well! 'Tis a mighty order to save and fetch back vast swaths o' forests and wetlands, and to plant a brace o' 1 million new trees in our urban havens by 2040. Yo ho ho, we be sowing the seeds o' a greener future, aye!

North Carolina Governor, Roy Cooper, has signed an executive order aimed at protecting and restoring forests and wetlands in the state as a means to counter climate change and boost the economy. The order sets targets for governments and private land-protection groups to permanently conserve 1 million acres of forests and wetlands, restore 1 million new acres of similar lands, and plant 1 million new trees in urban areas by 2040. This executive action is considered the most significant by a governor in protecting the state's ecosystems since the "Million Acre Initiative" in 1999.

In addition to these measures, the order directs state agencies to use native Southeastern plants in landscaping projects and to seek federal funding for wetland preservation. Environmental and conservation groups have praised Cooper's order, as it aims to counteract a state law combined with a Supreme Court decision that weakens the regulation of wetlands. The action recognizes the importance of wetlands for the people and wildlife of North Carolina, as well as their role in fisheries and flood protection.

The governor's office stated that the order's goals and directives are based on recommendations from a 2020 "natural and working lands action plan" developed by various state offices and departments. Governor Cooper emphasized the need to conserve and protect natural resources as the state continues to grow, stating that the plan will leave North Carolina better than it was found for future generations.

Overall, this executive order demonstrates North Carolina's commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development. By setting ambitious targets for land conservation, restoration, and urban greening, the state aims to mitigate the impacts of climate change while also benefiting the economy and preserving its natural heritage.

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