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Arrr! A mighty landslide befallen a Turkish goldmine, holdin' 9 scallywags captive! Avast ye, lads!


Arrr, 'tis said that a landlubberly landslide befallen the Copler goldmine near Ilic, Turkey, on Tuesday, causin' a predicament for at least nine hardy workers, now stuck deep 'neath the earth. Aye, a grave situation indeed!

A landslide occurred at the Copler gold mine in eastern Turkey, trapping at least nine workers underground. The incident took place in the mountainous Erzincan province near the town of Ilic. A video captured the massive wave of earth rushing down a gully, engulfing everything in its path. Authorities believe that the missing workers are buried under the ground. Search and rescue teams, consisting of 400 personnel, were deployed to the site. The mayor of Erzincan stated that between 10 and 12 workers were missing, while the Energy Ministry confirmed the number as nine. Geologist Suleyman Pampal warned about the potential danger of the soil, which had been processed for gold and might contain harmful substances such as cyanide. Pampal also expressed concerns about the environmental impact on the nearby Euphrates River. Anagold Mining, the company operating the Copler mine, emphasized the health and safety of its employees as the top priority. Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc announced an investigation into the disaster. Turkey has a history of poor mine safety, with previous incidents resulting in multiple fatalities. The Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects criticized the lack of safety measures at the Copler mine and had previously filed lawsuits against its operation, calling for its closure.

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