The Booty Report

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Arr! Yon Ukraine Aid Bill be facin' many a hurdle in th' House, with th' G.O.P. scallywags opposin'!


Arrr, Speaker Mike Johnson hath declared he be not puttin' the Senate legislation to a vote in the House, leavin' them scurvy dogs scramblin' to find a path to passage.

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round an' lend yer ears to the tale o' Speaker Mike Johnson an' the scurvy Senate legislation. It be a tale o' twists an' turns, with our brave proponents o' the cause left in a right ol' tizzy, tryin' to find a path to passage. But fear not, for this be a tale told in the language of a 17th century pirate, in a humorous tone that'll surely bring a smile to yer face.

Now, me hearties, let me set the scene fer ye. Speaker Mike Johnson be a crafty ol' sea dog, holdin' the power to decide the fate o' the Senate legislation. But it seems he be playin' a game o' cat an' mouse, refusin' to put it to a vote in the House. Aye, that be a blow to the proponents, sendin' them into a frenzy, runnin' about like headless chickens.

But fear not, me hearties, fer our brave proponents be no scallywags to back down easily. They be a resourceful bunch, lookin' fer any crack in the hull to find a path to passage. They be searchin' high an' low, turnin' every stone, an' consultin' wit' the finest navigators to guide 'em on their journey.

But oh, the stories that be whispered in the taverns! Some say Speaker Johnson be playin' a clever game, biddin' his time, waitin' fer the winds to shift in his favor. Others claim he be a stubborn landlubber, set on denyin' the legislation a fair chance. Who be tellin' the truth? Only the mermaids know fer sure!

So, me hearties, as we await the outcome o' this grand adventure, let us not lose hope. The sea be treacherous, but our brave proponents be determined to sail through, no matter the obstacles. And perhaps, in the end, they shall find a way to make Speaker Johnson see reason, and bring the Senate legislation to a vote. Until then, me hearties, let us raise a glass an' toast to their audacity, for they be fightin' the good fight, no matter the odds!

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