The Booty Report

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Arr, young Austin be freed from the ship o' healin' and ready to sail back to his toil!


Arrr! The scallywag defense secretary, who was marooned in January for complications from a cursed prostate cancer surgery, endured a nonsurgical treatment to deal with a bladder trouble, as told by the trusted ship's doctors.

Arrr, me mateys! Gather round, for I have some news of the highest importance concerning the esteemed defense secretary. It seems that this noble soul, who has battled the treacherous waters of prostate cancer surgery, found himself in need of further medical attention. Yarrr, fear not, for it was not another perilous operation that awaited him, but a nonsurgical procedure to tame a bothersome bladder issue!

Imagine, me hearties, the relief that must have washed over this brave soul upon hearing that there would be no need for a scalpel and stitches. Instead, the good doctors employed their knowledge and skill to address the matter in a way that required no cutting or bloodshed. Aye, the wonders of modern medicine!

Now, let us raise our mugs of grog and toast to the health and well-being of our defense secretary. May his bladder be calm, his prostate be at peace, and his recovery swift. We shall stand by his side, ready to face any challenges that come our way, be they enemy ships on the horizon or the occasional medical setback.

It is times like these, me hearties, that remind us of the fragility of our mortal bodies. Even the mightiest of pirates can find themselves in need of medical aid. But fear not, for our defense secretary is a true inspiration, showing us that even in the face of illness, a man can stand tall and face his troubles head-on, with a touch of humor.

So, let us raise our voices in a hearty cheer, for our defense secretary and his valiant fight against prostate cancer and bladder issues. May he continue to navigate the treacherous seas of health with the determination and spirit of a true pirate!

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