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The scallywags from Azerbaijan and the landlubbers from Armenia be pointin' fingers after a fierce border brawl!


Arr, me hearties! Armenia and Azerbaijan be havin' a tiff at their shared border, with swords clashin' and cannons roarin'! Aye, they say four brave Armenian souls be restin' in Davy Jones' locker.

In a 17th century pirate's language, mateys, Armenia and Azerbaijan be at it again, tradin' accusations over a border skirmish that left four Armenian soldiers dead. Arr! The tension between these two neighbors in the Caucasus be escalatin' faster than a cannonball!
Armenia's Foreign Ministry be callin' it a "provocation," claimin' that them scurvy dogs from Azerbaijan fired upon their forces across the border in the Syunik region. Four brave Armenian soldiers lost their lives, with one poor soul wounded. They be tellin' Azerbaijan to hold their horses and stop causin' trouble.
Azerbaijan's State Border Service, on the other hand, be sayin' they had to retaliate. They fired upon an Armenian post to teach 'em a lesson after bein' shelled the day before. One of their own got hurt, ye see.
Anyhow, it ain't the first time these two have been fightin' over land. Last year, Azerbaijan made a bold move and took back the Karabakh region from those pesky Armenian separatists who had been there for a good long while. They fought for six weeks and won, makin' more than 100,000 Armenian folk flee the area.
With their victory fresh in their sails, President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan won re-election with a whopping 92% of the vote. But don't ye be thinkin' that would solve the problems, mateys. Armenia and Azerbaijan be talkin' about signin' a peace treaty, but there be no sign of progress. The distrust between 'em is as thick as a stormy fog.
So, here we are again, me hearties, with skirmishes and accusations flyin' like cannonballs across the border. Armenia be blamin' Azerbaijan for tryin' to ruin their chances at peace, while Azerbaijan be warnin' Armenia to back off or face the consequences. Who knows what'll happen next in this never-endin' tale of land disputes and high tensions. Yo ho ho!

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