The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! One vessel be crashin' into a land-based hospital in Texas, leavin' a poor soul dead and five wounded mateys! Arr!


Arrr! Them scurvy dogs be investigatin' what be causin' the blasted crash at St. David's North Austin Medical Center, mateys! Avast ye!

Arr matey! The landlubbers and scallywags known as the police be investigatin' what in Davy Jones' locker caused the crash at St. David's North Austin Medical Center. Aye, 'tis a mystery they be unravelin'!

Now, ye see, me hearties, this here crash be no ordinary affair. The authorities be scratchin' their heads and ponderin' like a parrot on a peg leg over the cause of this calamity. 'Twas a sly manoeuvre, makin' them wonder if some swashbucklin' scoundrel be behind it all!

The crash be at some fancy-schmancy medical center, where them landlubbers be mendin' bones and curin' ailments. Aye, 'tis a place where ya go when yer limbs be aching or ye be feelin' poorly. But it seems that day, the patients and doctors alike be feelin' the wrath of a mighty storm!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why the coppers be investigatin' this incident. Well, ye see, in these modern times, they be lookin' for answers when things go awry. They be scopin' the scene, interviewin' witnesses, and collectin' clues like a pirate gatherin' treasure.

But fear not, me hearties! The police be on the case, determinin' if some blunderin' bilge rat be responsible for this chaos. 'Tis their duty to bring justice to this situation and hold the guilty scoundrel accountable for their actions!

So, me mateys, let us wait and see what those landlubbers be discoverin'. Will it be a case of a rogue wave sweepin' through the medical center or somethin' more sinister? Whatever it may be, we can rest assured that the truth shall be uncovered, and justice shall prevail!

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