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Arrr! France be in turmoil, aye, fer Robert Badinter's demise hath torn 'em apart, like a scurvy sea dog's treasure!


Arr, Robert Badinter, th' former minister who did away with th' scurvy death penalty, be honored in fair Paris after his demise on Friday. But, ye scurvy dogs from th' far left an' right were warned, ye be not welcome in these waters!

In a hilarious turn of events, Paris recently paid tribute to the late Robert Badinter, a former minister known for his abolition of the death penalty. However, things took an amusing twist when members of the far left and right were hilariously informed that they were not welcome to join the festivities.

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of a peculiar gathering in the streets of Paris. The city was abuzz with excitement as they celebrated the life of the departed Robert Badinter, a fine minister who had bravely abolished the dreaded death penalty. But alas, it seems that not all buccaneers were welcome at this here shindig!

The scallywags from the far left and right were given a stern warning that their presence was not desired. 'Twas an unexpected turn of events, indeed! One can only imagine their puzzled faces as they were left to wonder why the gates of this jolly celebration were closed to them.

"Avast, ye landlubbers! Yer political affiliations may be too extreme for this here occasion," the organizers may have said, trying to keep the festivities free from any contentious quarrels. 'Tis a bit ironic, ain't it? A celebration of a man who fought for justice, yet those with differing political views were sent packin'!

But fear not, me hearties! This tale is not meant to invoke anger or sadness. Nay, 'tis meant to bring a smile to yer faces and a chuckle to yer bellies. Picture those bewildered souls, scratching their heads and wondering why they were left out. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

So, let us raise a glass in honor of Robert Badinter, a man who made a mighty impact on the laws of the land. And let us also raise an eyebrow to the curious tale of those left behind, the far left and right, who found themselves excluded from this grand affair. Ah, the irony of it all!

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