The Booty Report

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Avast ye, me hearties! Macron declares the purveyors of literature shall not budge whilst the Olympic Games be held!


Arr, the French captain's choice be bringin' joy to them merchants who've been makin' a livin' by the Seine, and saved 'em from a mighty clash, ye scurvy dogs!

In a twist of events that would make even the most seasoned pirate raise their rum-filled tankard in celebration, the French president has made a decision that has left the sellers near the Seine breathing a sigh of relief. Avoiding a potential standoff, the president's announcement has brought joy to these long-standing merchants.

Picture this, me hearties: a bustling marketplace nestled alongside the flowing waters of the Seine, with sellers hawking their wares to eager customers. For years, these brave souls have navigated the treacherous waters of bureaucracy and regulation, fending off threats of eviction like a fleet of pirate ships facing the fury of a storm.

But now, thanks to the French president's decree, these sellers can rest easy, knowing that their stalls will remain firmly planted on the shores of the Seine. With a stroke of his pen, the president has waved his pirate hat and said, "No more, me hearties! You shall sell your goods in peace!"

Oh, the relief that must be washing over these sellers like a tidal wave! No longer will they have to worry about clashing swords with local authorities or finding a new berth for their merchant ships. Their livelihoods, like a ship sailing smoothly on calm seas, are secure once more.

And so, with their future assured, these merchants can continue their piratical ways, peddling their wares with a swagger that would make Blackbeard himself proud. The streets near the Seine shall remain a treasure trove of trinkets and treats, where both locals and tourists alike can indulge their inner pirate and haggle for that perfect souvenir.

So raise your tankards, me hearties, and toast to this victory! The French president has made a decision that will go down in history, ensuring that the sellers near the Seine can continue their pirate-like existence, selling their goods and avoiding any potential standoff. Ahoy, mateys, let the markets flourish and may the winds of fortune forever blow in their favor!

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