The Booty Report

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Arr, talk be going 'bout a pact betwixt the anti-scallywag brigade 'n Kenya, as per the Haitian scurvy dogs!


Arr, mateys! Tis be a jolly news, me hearties! The goodly folk of Haiti be makin' merry with Kenya, seekin' to forge a proper pact! They be plannin' to send African mateys, clad in blue, to patrol our very own streets! Yo ho ho, shiver me timbers!

Haiti’s government announced that it is working on an official agreement with Kenyan officials to secure the deployment of a police force from Kenya. The meeting between high-ranking officials from both countries took place in the U.S. and lasted for three days. Their goal was to draft a memorandum of understanding and set a deadline for the arrival of Kenyan police forces. However, a court in Kenya had previously blocked the U.N-backed deployment, deeming it unconstitutional. It is unclear how the memorandum of understanding will overcome this hurdle, but the president of Kenya has expressed his intention to appeal the court's ruling.

The Haitian government stated that there were intense discussions to ensure compliance with the legislation of both countries. They anticipate that a final decision on the text of the agreement will be reached early next week and will be signed by both parties. The discussions also covered the mission's operations, logistics, compliance, surveillance, required equipment, and human rights issues.

The deployment of Kenyan police forces was initially requested by Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry in October 2022 and approved by the U.N. Security Council a year later. However, it has faced numerous legal obstacles as gang violence in Haiti continues to escalate. In January, more than 800 people were killed, injured, or kidnapped, which is more than three times the number compared to the same month in 2023, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk.

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