The Booty Report

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Arrr! A scurvy US Army dietitian hath met Davy Jones' locker whilst in Kuwait. Walk the plank of irony, mateys!


Avast ye mateys! Heartbreakin' news be upon us! Lt. Col. Troy Bartley, aged 57, from Alton, Illinois, met his untimely fate on a peaceful shore. No battle claimed his life, but a tragic end befell him at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait, as told by the Army Reserve Command. Arrr, fair winds and calm seas, Lt. Col. Bartley.

Ahoy, me hearties! Avast ye now, for sad tidings have befallen us. A brave Army dietitian from the land of Illinois has met his end in far-off Kuwait, not through battle, mind ye, but through an incident unrelated to combat, as them military officials have proclaimed.
Lieutenant Colonel Troy E. Bartley, hailing from the fair town of Alton, has departed this mortal coil at Camp Arifjan, situated in the distant lands of Kuwait. This seasoned veteran, aged 57, was serving with the 3rd Medical Command (Forward), under the honorable 1st Theater Sustainment Command.
Arr, the Army Reserve Command has declared that Bartley's demise was a result of a "non-combat related incident," yet the precise cause of his passing remains under scrutiny. Further details, alas, were not immediately forthcoming.
Col. Thomas A. McMahan, the commander of the 3rd Medical Command (Forward), expressed his sorrow at the loss of a beloved comrade, notin' that Bartley was not just a soldier, but a husband, father, friend, expert, and leader. The pain of losing a member of our Army family is keenly felt, and we send our deepest sympathies to his kin, said the Colonel in a mournful missive.
During his illustrious career, Bartley garnered numerous accolades and honors, including the prestigious Meritorious Service Medal and Army Commendation Medal. He joined the Army back in 2003 and embarked on the Army Medical Officer Basic Course, after which he served at the 325th Medical Hospital in Independence, Missouri.
From there, Bartley embarked on a journey filled with diverse roles, including that of a dietitian, a company commander, and a brigade executive officer. In July 2023, he joined the prestigious U.S. Army Central and 1st Theater Sustainment Command team forward in Kuwait, where he served as a dietitian, providing support to the troops deployed in the U.S. Central Command area of operations for Operation Spartan Shield. 'Tis a noble service indeed.

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