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Avast, me hearties! Republican Speaker Johnson be sayin' the House won't be hurried on that jolly $95B Ukraine and Israel bill, arrr!


Arrr, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson be whisperin' in secret that they shan't be "rushed" to pass the foreign aid bill. They be pointin' to more delays, savvy? Aye, a fine game of waitin' be afoot mateys!

Republican Speaker Mike Johnson has stated that the U.S. House will not be rushed into passing a $95.3 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and other allies. Johnson made this statement during a closed-door meeting with House Republicans, who are largely aligned with Donald Trump and oppose the Senate-passed foreign assistance for Ukraine. He emphasized that the House will work at its own pace in considering this package. Johnson later reiterated this sentiment at a press conference, stating that the Republican-led House will not be forced into passing a foreign aid bill.

Johnson argued that the Senate's package does not address the GOP's priority of securing the U.S.-Mexico border and that it does not provide adequate support for Ukraine. He stated that he had requested a meeting with President Joe Biden to discuss these issues but had been met with no response. In response, the White House suggested that Johnson needed to negotiate with himself rather than with the White House.

The delay in providing aid to Ukraine highlights the Republican Party's retreat from overseas leadership in line with Trump's isolationist ideology. While Johnson personally supports aid for Ukraine, he leads a far-right majority that is increasingly adopting a hands-off approach to Russian aggression.

Efforts are being made by some lawmakers, Democrats, and a few Republicans, to employ a discharge petition to force the House to vote on the aid package. However, it remains uncertain whether this approach will succeed.

The aid package includes funds for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, with a focus on military-related support. It also aims to support domestic manufacturing in the U.S. that contributes to the country's role as the "Arsenal of Democracy." The White House continues to emphasize the importance of passing the aid package for U.S. relationships globally, warning that failure to act could have significant consequences.

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