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Arrr! Jennifer Lopez be taken aback, matey, by the mirthful triumph o' Ben Affleck's Super Bowl commercial!


Avast, me hearties! Jennifer Lopez be quite surprised by the grand success of Dunkin's Super Bowl ad with Ben Affleck. The lass be sharin' that she never be thinkin' the commercial would be gettin' all sorts o' traction. Arrr!

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez had a successful Super Bowl ad that received a big reaction from fans. Lopez was surprised by the overwhelming response. In an interview with Hoda Kotb on the Today Show, Lopez expressed her love for the Dunkin' commercial and mentioned that she didn't expect it to receive so much attention. She praised Affleck for his brilliance as a director and writer and found the whole commercial hilarious.

The star-studded commercial featured Affleck presenting his project to Lopez in a music studio, with the help of famous friends like Matt Damon and Tom Brady. Damon and Brady wore matching orange and pink Dunkin' sweatsuits with the phrase "DunKings" written across the chest. Affleck introduced his boy band, called the Boston Massacre, with his backup dancers. Lopez found it hilarious that they were all forming a boy band.

Lopez also revealed some behind-the-scenes details of the commercial. She mentioned that they were in the studio with the people who worked on her album, and they started riffing, which led to the creation of the Dunkin' song. Mark Wahlberg, another Boston native, wondered why he wasn't invited to be in the commercial. Wahlberg jokingly said that he was from the wrong side of the tracks and hoped to receive a call from them someday.

The commercial was released alongside Lopez's announcement of her "This Is Me...Now The Tour," which will feature performances in more than 30 cities across North America starting in June. Overall, the ad was a hit, and both Affleck and Lopez received praise for their involvement.

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