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Arrr, me hearties! Aboard a cursed vessel, 4 poor souls met Davy Jones off Panama's treacherous shores.


Yarrr! Avast, mateys! 'Tis a sad tale to tell! Word be spreadin' that four poor souls 'ave been claimed by Davy Jones' locker, with two more still lost at sea, when a vessel, carryin' o'er two dozen, capsized off Panama's eastern shore. Aye, the sea be a treacherous mistress indeed!

In a tragic incident off the coast of Panama, a boat carrying over two dozen migrants capsized, resulting in the death of at least four individuals. The search is still ongoing for two more missing persons. The boat overturned in an attempt to avoid the hazardous Darien Gap land route. Panama's Public Safety Ministry revealed that the majority of the passengers were Afghan nationals. Among the deceased were two women and a child.
The ministry stated that adverse weather conditions are often a contributing factor in such accidents, particularly those involving clandestine migrant smuggling. Distressing footage captured the overturned boat on the rocky coastline, alongside the lifeless bodies of the migrants.
The Darien Gap, a dense jungle region between Colombia and Panama, used to take over a week to cross on foot. However, as trails and infrastructure have improved, the journey now takes around three days for many migrants. Last year, over 500,000 individuals successfully crossed the gap, more than double the previous year's figure.
Nevertheless, dangers persist along the route, with reports of bandits who rob, rape, and occasionally murder migrants. As a result, some migrants have opted for the more expensive maritime route from Colombia to Panama.
It is worth noting that in recent years, thousands of Afghan refugees have entered Brazil, and a portion of them have embarked on a journey to reach the United States. This incident serves as a tragic reminder of the risks and challenges faced by migrants seeking a better life.

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