The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scurvy House Committee be sendin' a message t' Harvard, demandin' the secrets 'bout their antisemitism!


Arrr! The scallywag committee be givin' the university a stern tongue-lashin', for keepin' secrets and slicin' information like a cutlass. Har, the university be in deep waters now!

Arr, mateys! Let me spin ye a tale o' the mischief that befallen a university in these modern times. The committee, it be a group o' wise men and women who keep an eye on the goings-on in this here establishment. Now, it seems this university be up to no good. They be holdin' back information like a scurvy pirate clutchin' his treasure!

Oh, the committee be furious, they be! They be waggin' their fingers and tappin' their feet, sayin', "Ye scallywags! How dare ye withhold information from us!" Aye, the university be in hot water indeed. They thought they could hide their secrets, but the committee be havin' none o' that. They be demandin' the truth, the whole truth, and nothin' but the truth.

But that be not all, me hearties! The university be tryin' to cover their tracks too. They be takin' their precious documents and markin' 'em up with heavy red ink, like a pirate with a flair for dramatics. They be thinkin' we wouldn't notice, but the committee be havin' eyes like a hawk, spotin' those redacted secrets from a mile away.

Arr, but the committee be no fools. They be seein' through the university's trickery. They be knowin' that the information they be hidin' be important, and they be havin' the right to know it. So, they be givin' the university a good scoldin', tellin' 'em to straighten up or face the consequences.

Oh, the audacity of these landlubbers! Withholdin' and redactin' information that they had freely given. But fear not, me hearties, for the committee be keepin' a close watch. They be makin' sure the truth be revealed, no matter how hard the university be tryin' to hide it. Aye, justice be served, even in the hallowed halls of academia!

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