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Arr, the Israel UN ambassador be callin' the UN official a scurvy 'terror collaborator' for deem'n Hamas a political scoundrel!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! A swashbucklin' U.N. bloke blabbered on t' telly, claimin' that Hamas be a political crew. Them Israeli landlubbers be fumin' like a volcano! Arr, what a ruckus!

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N., Gilad Erdan, criticized U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator (OCHA), Martin Griffiths, for referring to Hamas as a political group rather than a terrorist organization. Erdan accused the U.N. of being pro-Hamas and excusing terrorism. He questioned whether the murder of civilians, rape of women, and attempted Jewish genocide were not acts of terror. Griffiths later clarified that Hamas is not on the U.N.'s list of designated terrorist organizations but acknowledged their acts of terror. When asked if Griffiths has the full confidence of U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, a spokesperson for the U.N. reiterated their condemnation of Hamas but stated that the designation of a terrorist group can only be made by the Security Council. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz also criticized Griffiths for denying Hamas' terrorist nature. Israeli officials have compared Hamas to the Islamic State and Hitler's movement. The U.N. has been accused of covering up for Hamas and failing to adopt a Comprehensive Convention Against Terrorism due to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's reluctance to condemn acts against Israelis. The U.N. organization dealing with Palestinians, UNRWA, has faced allegations of its workers participating in the Hamas-led attack. The controversy surrounding Griffiths' comments has sparked conversations about Hamas' status as a terrorist organization and the U.N.'s role in combating terrorism.

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