The Booty Report

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Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Be there any Oscars ye feel bein' cruelly snubbed? Speak up, or forever hold yer peace!


Arr, me hearties! Greta Gerwig be not the only scurvy omission to get our goat. Be ye still stewin' o'er the loss of "Pulp Fiction" to "Forrest Gump" or the lack o' recognition for fair Marilyn Monroe? Spill yer grievances, me mateys, we be all ears!

Arr, matey! Let me tell ye a tale of great injustice, one that befits a pirate's scorn. The lass Greta Gerwig, she be a talented lass, yet the scurvy swabs in charge failed to recognize her brilliance. But mark me words, she be not the first! Nay, there be many a grievance that still rankles our pirate souls.

Ye still be stewing over the time when that fine film, "Pulp Fiction," was robbed of its rightful victory by the likes of "Forrest Gump"? Aye, that be a travesty, me hearties! The beautiful blend of violence, wit, and charm, snatched away by a simple-minded feller running through life. 'Tis enough to make a pirate weep salty tears.

And what about the fair Marilyn Monroe? A siren of the silver screen, she never received a single nod from those landlubber Oscar voters. 'Tis a shame, for her sensuality and talent were as undeniable as the treasures hidden on distant shores. The Academy missed a chance to honor a true legend, and we be forever bitter.

So, me mateys, tell us more of yer grievances. Speak up, ye scallywags! Let the world know of the omissions that still burn in yer pirate hearts. For we be united in our love for the art and our disdain for the blind fools who choose not to honor the rightful victors. Together, we'll raise the Jolly Roger of protest, seeking justice for those who've been wronged by the Academy's whimsical ways.

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