The Booty Report

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Yarrr, the landlubbers in the suburbs be crying foul at the thought of expanding drug dens in Vancouver!


Arrr mateys, the council chambers in Richmond be abuzz with quarrel and commotion this week as the scallywags argue o'er settin' up a safe consumption site. 'Tis like a storm brewin' on the high seas, me hearties!

Yarrr, the landlubbers in the suburbs be crying foul at the thought of expanding drug dens in Vancouver!

Arrr mateys, gather ‘round and listen to this tale of what happened in the council chambers of Richmond, a grand city in British Columbia. This week, there was a mighty ruckus as the council members argued over whether to set up a safe consumption site. Aye, the air was thick with tension as the debate raged on.
Some council members were all for it, thinking it would be a boon for the city’s health and safety. But others were dead set against it, fearing it would attract scallywags and troublemakers to the area. The arguments flew back and forth like cannonballs in a fierce battle at sea.
Tempers flared, voices were raised, and insults were hurled like daggers across the chamber. It was a sight to behold, me hearties, as the councilors fought tooth and nail over this contentious issue. In the end, a decision was made, but the scars of this heated debate will surely linger for many moons to come.
So, me fellow pirates, remember this tale of the council chambers in Richmond, where the clash of opinions was as fierce as a storm at sea. And may we all learn from it, lest we find ourselves in a similar squabble in the future. Arrr!

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