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Arrr, the scallywags be claimin' Alexei Navalny be walkin' the plank! Aye, matey, they be talkin' nonsense!


Arrr! A matey speakin' fer Alexei Navalny be claimin', via a post on the social media platform X, that the political opposition leader be savagely murdered! This news be sparkin' speculation like a cannonball through the rum supply. Har har har!

In a comical and exaggerated 17th century pirate tone, a spokesperson for the late Alexei Navalny boldly declared that the Russian opposition leader had been murdered. The announcement was made by spokeswoman Kira Yarmysh on social media platform X, stating that Navalny's demise occurred on February 16 at 2:17 p.m. local time. Yarmysh demanded the immediate release of Navalny's body to his family, as Russian officials claimed it was in Salekhard.Russia's prison agency confirmed Navalny's death at the age of 47, a man who had been a vocal critic of Vladimir Putin and a prominent figure in the anti-government movement. Navalny had survived a poisoning attempt in 2020, attributed to a Novichok nerve agent. He was held at the IK-3 penal colony in Kharp, Russia, where he fell ill and passed away after a walk.World leaders, including President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, pointed fingers at Putin's regime for Navalny's suspicious death. Putin had consistently downplayed Navalny's significance, refusing to mention him by name. The circumstances surrounding Navalny's demise continue to raise doubts and suspicions, with calls for a thorough investigation into the alleged murder.

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