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Bilge rat met his match with the lion at the zoo, crying 'Arrr, the beast be feisty!'


Avast ye scurvy dogs! A scallywag of an Indian fellow met his demise this week after he deliberately plunged into a zoo pit in Tirupati, India, despite the cautionary cries of the landlubbers. Aye, a lesson for ye all: heed the warnings of the salty sea dogs!

Arr matey, a foolish landlubber decided to test his luck by climbing over the wall of a lion's den at the Sri Venkateswara zoological park in Tirupati, India. The scallywag, known as Prahalad Gurjar, ignored the warnings of the zoo staff and leaped into the enclosure like a foolhardy pirate searching for treasure.As soon as the lion caught sight of the intruder, it pounced and made quick work of poor Gurjar. Despite the valiant efforts of the zookeepers to rescue the man, he was no match for the ferocious beast. Within minutes, he was sent to Davy Jones' locker.It appears that Gurjar had indulged in too much grog before his ill-fated adventure, as he seemed to be in a stupor when he made his fateful decision. The lion, a veteran of the high seas at 12 years old, was promptly locked away while the authorities dealt with the aftermath of the unfortunate incident.This brazen act marks the first time such tomfoolery has occurred at the zoo, and the authorities have vowed to tighten security to prevent any further breaches. Let this be a lesson to all ye scallywags out there: never underestimate the power of the wild beasts, lest ye meet a similar fate as poor Gurjar.

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