The Booty Report

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Arrr, Sydney's asbestos woe be growin', but fear not mateys, Taylor Swift's stage be clear o' danger!


Arrr! The officials be findin' the cursed mineral at 34 spots, from schools to parks. But fear not me hearties, for the grounds outside the Taylor Swift concert be free from the poison. Let's raise a grog to that!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The officials be findin' the cursed toxic mineral at 34 sites across the land, includin' schools and parks. Aye, ye best be keepin' an eye out for any signs of danger in these here places. But fear not me hearties, for the grounds outside a Taylor Swift concert venue be safe from this foul enemy. So ye can dance and sing to yer heart's content without worryin' about the toxic beast lurkin' nearby.

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